Target grid planning
Grid operators of energy supply grids are required by EnWG § 11 (1) to “operate, maintain and optimize, reinforce and expand a secure, reliable and efficient energy supply grid on a non-discriminatory basis in line with demand, insofar as this is economically reasonable.”
It is not easy to decide which grid expansion is in line with demand and therefore necessary against the backdrop of the currently rapidly changing demands on the grid due to electromobility and decentralized generation systems, among other things.
This is precisely where target grid planning comes in. Starting from the existing grid and with detailed forecasts of the future load/generation situation, the expected future congestions in the grid are identified. Subsequently, various grid expansion alternatives that eliminate these congestions are developed in close coordination with the grid operator and evaluated both technically and economically. “Smart” grid expansion approaches and concepts can also be considered.
The target grid determined in this way ensures that continuous grid expansion and conversion measures are carried out objectively and purposefully in the sense of a long-term vision of the grid structure required in the future.
Project-related grid planning
We support concrete change measures in your grid through project-based grid planning. Concrete changes include, for example, the integration of new stations or generation plants, the development of new network areas or planned selective restructuring of the grid.
In these or similar cases, we support you by providing a technical and economic assessment of the grid expansion measures you are planning or propose suitable measures ourselves.
Renewal Strategy Optimization
Optimization of the long-term renewal strategy must take into account the tension between cost savings sought in the short term and, at the same time, sufficient investment to maintain the grid substance in the long term.
We support you with asset simulations that map the long-term impact of a given renewal strategy on costs, grid condition and supply reliability. By varying the simulated strategy, we can iteratively determine and develop the renewal strategy that best meets your long-term business objectives. Optionally, a cross-divisional view is possible.
Neutral point treatment
Essential for the behaviour of a power system in case of a fault with earth participation is its neutral point treatment. We support you in all questions in this context.
In this way, we advise you in deciding which concept for neutral point treatment is best suited for your specific grid from a technical and economic point of view. If this analysis shows that it makes sense to change the concept, we will also support you, if necessary, by working out concrete implementation steps with you and providing ongoing support.